mardi 26 juillet 2011

Salalah Pictures :)

Just a few pictures from our walking adventures...

Traditional dancing and music that we stumbled upon in the traditional souk - was really cool to see some of the traditions that are a bit more difficult to see normally. Those red dresses are mad of velvet too - extremely heavy traditional female dresses that are slightly longer in the back so women have to move them out of the way and hold their hands up.

We found a cute little juice shop and sat on the beach relaxing for a little while :)

Taking pictures on the beach = maybe not the best idea. Suddenly the gulf decided to not cooperate and we ended up getting soaked. The beach reminded us of home though, and it seemed very similar to the beaches on the East Coast.

A great example of some of the foliage of Salalah - much different than the dry, almost desert like surroundings in Muscat. This was just a back alley way that we saw near the fruit and vegetable stands as we walked towards the beach.

And this was the fruit and vegetable stands that ran parallel to one of the main streets near the beach (about two blocks maybe). All the fruit was fresh - Salalah is known for its bananas, but we saw all sorts of fruits like avocados, mangos, star fruit, coconuts, etc.


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