samedi 23 juillet 2011

Jumbo Trip Pictures

Sorry these are so late! Here are just a few pics from the jumbo trip we took a few weeks ago...

The beach resort we stayed at the second night near Sur (I think) - swam, collected shells, the guys all played soccer, and just relaxed. We also got to see Green Turtles at night at the Turtle Reserve - saw one turtle laying eggs and helped lead a baby turtle to the ocean :)

We got to ride camels in the desert on the second morning - a classic touristy thing when in the Middle East but it was worth it.

Woke up at 5 am and ran up a huge sand dune to watch the sunrise across the dunes. Beautiful experience and quite the workout.

The first day, we visited Jabal Akhdar, one of the two biggest mountains in Oman (Jabal (or جبل) means mountain and Akhdar (or اخضر) means green). The mountain is more a huge series of mountains on top of each other, but the views were amazing. We all packed into 4-wheel drive vehicles and the road got a little treacherous at moments.

Finally, on the last day, we visited Wadi Sham where we hiked into the wadi to the pool of water, and then ended up exploring further, walking across some fairly sharp rocks and swimming in our clothes to an awesome cave where you could haul yourself up a rope and jump in from the upper rocks.

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