samedi 23 juillet 2011

Ibri Photos

Here are some more pictures, these from our visit to Rosha's town, Ibri. Her dad brought us around in the morning, showing us a lot of the city.

Rosha and I at Bat, which is a super old location, with what are called "beehive tombs", which are quite the feats of architecture considering that they are old enough to be too old to actually know their age.

The tombs are falling apart (to be expected from something so ancient), but it is possible to climb in some of them through tiny openings like this.

This is the old souk of Ibri that Rosha's dad took us too. The government tried to get venders to move to street-stores instead of stores in this area, so there are less venders here and much less traffic than in the past.

We saw a very angry kid-camel outside of the Goat and Camel Souk - One of those foreigner excitements again haha. There is something about camels...

Rosha's dad brought us to this traditional animal souk, where they were selling goats. Apparently, camels are sold first thing in the morning, followed by goats, then by cows. It was interesting because there was really no organization at all, just people milling around talking and bargaining - no auctioning or anything.

These last three are of Rosha's little brother who was absolutely adorable. He rode this adorable tricycle around the room and the courtyard right outside the sitting room where we spent most of our time while at Rosha's house. I could probably create a whole album of cute pictures of him from our visit.


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