dimanche 24 juin 2012

Pictures from the Luberon

This past Wednesday, the AUCP program organized a day trip for us to the Luberon region of Provence to see three of the best known hill-top villages in the region.  Luckily for Jackson, Aidan and I, one of the French students we've become friends with took us to the region last Saturday as well, so we got to see an additional two villages, including my favorite, Ansouis.  Here are some of the pictures from the two trips; I feel like my words aren't quite enough to describe the calm beauty of these small towns.

 Ca c'est Ansouis - une très petite ville, et très calme.  On a vu peut-être 5 autres personnes pendant notre petit marche.  J'ai envie d'habiter ici :)

La deuxième village que nous avons visité - j'ai oublié le nom, désoléeeee! Mais c'était très belle aussi, elle avait quelques magasins d'art, et seulement des artists locaux.

La troisième ville était Lourmarin, ou on a visité samedi et mercredi.  Il y a un beau chateau, et c'était la ville ou Albert Camus vivait - sa tombe est dans la cimetière de la ville.
J'aime cette photo de mon ami Jackson.  Il n'a pas un Facebook, mais c'etait très difficile de prendre un photo de lui.  Il semble très content :)

 Et a gauche, c'est un photo du jeu très populaire, Boule, ou Pétanque.  Nous avons joué samedi soir contre quelques étudiants français et nous avons gagné, c'était très amusant.

The rest of the pictures are from our AUCP program trip, from two other hill-top villages.  We ate a picnic lunch at the top of the hill of the village from the first two photos - we had purchased lunch at the market in Lourmarin - and got to admire the views from the chateau, which is in need of a tiny bit of renovation.

 La dernière ville était Roussillon, dans la Vaucluse - there are huge ocre canyons here, hence the drastically different appearance of the buildings and the surroundings.  They sometimes call it the "Little Colorado", reminiscent of a few of the national canyons in the West of the US.

It's a really pretty little town though, perched on the top of this hill, with all the buildings a pink-ish red.  The color of the rock really makes blues and greens pop, so the vegetation looked incredible while the sky took on this other-worldly blue color.

So that was a quick summary of our Luberon tours, it's a really beautiful region, and there are so many other cute little villages that I would love to explore; it's incredibly calm and seems like quite the enchanting place to live.  Sorry for the switching between languages - it's just a bit more fun to write in French sometimes :) 

Lots of love! xoxo

P.S. I don't know why the formatting is being so weird, but I give up trying to fix it!

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