jeudi 14 juin 2012

Photos from the first week/weekends

 A view of Cassis.  I went the first weekend with my host mom.

 Marseille - it's huge en fait.

 Lots of fun little places - this was in the old quarter of Marseille, much calmer than the rest of the city.
 Aidan and I above the Vieux Port of Marseille - this is where the original city was built way back in the day.
 We visited the mental hospital where Van Gogh spent a year - this is his bedroom.  Recognize it?
 We also visited these amazing caves where they projected the paintings of Van Gogh and Gaugin - it was a 20 minute show and it was super cool.
And finally, we visited an old medieval city that is on the top of a mountain - quite the views.

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