mercredi 1 juin 2011

So it begins...

I hate blogs normally because it's so difficult to keep them up. But since I'm sure I won't be able to write personalized emails to every person during this Oman trip, I figured I'd just bite the bullet and write a blog. I figure it might be a fun thing to look back on as well and an easy way of telling everyone that, GASP, I'm still alive.

So, after who knows how many hours of flying, we are finally settled in the Midan Hotel in Muscat. For one thing, no amount of walking around in East coast humidity can prepare you for the weather here - those of us wearing glasses as we exited the plane had trouble seeing because our glasses fogged up so much the second the hot air hit you. The hotel manager told us when he was welcoming us to the hotel that it might get up to 50 degrees Celsius, aka 120 Fahrenheit. We'll see how that goes, but since we have to cover up most of the time, I'm thinking were going to try to be inside as much as possible.

Luckily, we have orientation tomorrow, so we have a little break before the hard work starts; we start classes on Saturday (I can't believe tomorrow is Friday... I feel like I just left home like yesterday) and I'm assuming have class every day from then on. Unfortunately, we have to be ready to go by 8:30 tomorrow morning (it's already 1am here), and I doubt the rough sleep I got on the plane is enough to carry me through a full day.

On a side-note, our layover in Germany made me realize how much I miss Europe – I bought a pretzel in the airport and it brought back memories of when we used to get these amazing pretzel rolls in Lucerne. It just made me want to visit Europe again so much.

Alright, gonna get to bed, but I do have internet, so anyone who wants to talk just email me at :) Oh and I don't think skype works, but iChat does!


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