dimanche 9 septembre 2012

Je suis deja en train de noyer

So as I told my host mother Thursday, it's very likely I will no longer be seen much outside of my room or the library - except to possibly eat, go to class, the usual things you must do to continue a simple existence.  And why is that? Well, four classes in all French at Sciences Po might possibly drown me in a depressing amount of work.  Don't get me wrong, my French is definitely going to get better, purely out of the NEED for it to get better - while I could understand most of my lectures, taking notes quickly is incredibly difficult (and usually results in my notes containing broken phrases and incomprehensible ideas), and attaining the same level of ease while speaking shown by all the native speakers in my classes for oral presentations just seems like an insurmountable thing.  For example, in my 'conference' for my 'cours magistral', I am the only non-French student.  The ONLY.  During our first session, our professor proceeded to explain how he was going to grade us not only on the information that we presented, but also on our oral expression.  My only thought? Crap, what have I just walked into.  We will see how the situation develops, but at this point, I'm not super hopeful for my feeble social life in France...
My first Creme Brûlée a Paris - it was actually en train de brûler !

In other news, I managed to, with two other girls from the Midd program, to obtain tickets to the Paris Vogue Fashion Night Out (aka we bought the newest Vogue which contained the invitation ha).  It took place on some of the biggest streets for "couture" in Paris, like Rue Royale, Rue Saint-Honore, and Rue Fauberg Saint-Honore.  While it was pretty easy to get the invitation (4 euros for a magazine), it definitely seemed pretty exclusive, which was kind of cool.  All the Parisiens were dressed up, looking chic and branché comme toujours, and we got to see the Fall Fashion premieres for Chanel, Lancome, Valentino, Zadig and Voltaire (LOVE), and my personal favorite, Burberry.  While it was certainly a bit depressing since NONE of the things we were looking at were in my price-range, it was still fun to look around, while being served free Champagne (casual).
Et voila, touristy picture!  Le tour d'Eiffel seen from l'arc de Triomphe, one of the only touristy things I've done so far.  Today, I'm going to see Sacre-Coeur, so I suppose that will be one other touristy thing to check off my list :)

Next post on the electronic festival I went to yesterday - Inox Paris !

Bisous a tous xoxo

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