lundi 18 mars 2013


I like to consider myself a blogger - I have a blog after all.  But when I see other people who blog everyday, or every week at least, I can't help but think perhaps I'm not.  At the least I'm not a very good blogger, since I think the point of a blog is to keep it updated regularly.  For anyone who has been following me for a while, you'll already know thats clearly not one of my strong suits (I feel like that should be one word but apparently it's not ha).

But anyways, my lack of upkeep is not due to lack of ideas.  I actually have tons and tons of ideas of things I want to write - in fact, I have about 5 drafts of blog posts that I think are interesting.  My problem is finishing them; I usually get super motivated to write a post at an inconvenient time, thus when I actually have time to finish it, I've lost my motivation or train of thought.

I'm not really sure what the point of this post is, other than to apologize to anyone who wishes I updated more.  I would promise that I will try harder, but I have promised that several times, and I feel like it's just something that's either going to happen or not.

For a quick update, this past month has been super busy crazy - started with my trip to Chamonix, then a trip to the Loire Valley (lots of pictures of that on FB), a few crazy and a few relaxing nights in Paris, and then a quick but lovely trip to NYC that I literally just got home from (as in, I arrived in Charles de Gaulle 3 hours ago).  I will try to post at least some pictures and maybe small briefs on the trips this week since the next two months are going to fly by!

Gros bisouss xx