vendredi 3 août 2012

Updateee, Canada tomorrow :)

Ahh, there really is nothing like home.  San Diego is such a nice place to be able to come home to, with the beautiful weather, carefree attitude, and my lovely bed.  Its been a nice and much needed few weeks to decompress before resuming the European adventure.  And its given me some time to start figuring out all the last minute details that I need to get done before going back for the year (eeep! so long!)

One of those lovely things? My visa.  And well, lets just say the whole visa thing hasn't been the easiest process.  From applying to CampusFrance, to finding an appointment and collecting all the necessary documents (plus an extra copy of ALL of them), it's been a constant stress.  Had a minor freakout when I first got back from Aix and the only appointment I could find was August 24th, in BOSTON (mind you, the Embassy keeps your passport for the whole time, and it takes at least 9-15 days...) and was convinced for a few minutes that I would have to change all my plans.  By some amazing stroke of luck, I managed to find one the 13th in LA, so hopefulllyyy that will be enough time to get my passport back before I leave on the 28th.

In other news, heading to Canada tomorrow with the family to do some bareboat sailing along the coast north of Vancouver - I've never been to Canada so I'm kind of excited to see it, even if it's just from a boat haha.  Planning on doing some Scuba diving, fishing, hiking and a lottt of reading and family time :)

Happy August everyone!!
